There are two types of reality, not just the one, as we might think. There is the measurable or quantifiable type, and there is the type that can't be measured, the type that can't be quantified, the type which we...
Continue readingThere are two types of reality, not just the one, as we might think. There is the measurable or quantifiable type, and there is the type that can't be measured, the type that can't be quantified, the type which we...
Continue readingOne of the most glaring misunderstandings we come across in what we might call ‘rational psychology’ is that we assume it to be the case that we can will change in ourselves. Even to call this a ‘misunderstanding’ isn't addressing...
Continue readingModern psychology is like an experiment gone wrong. There's no such thing as ‘an experiment gone wrong’ really, of course; when we don't have a hidden agenda to prove that our hypothesis is correct (which wouldn’t be very scientific) there...
Continue readingThe everyday self is a bias that cannot see itself as such, a bias that ‘takes itself for granted’, so to speak, and the prognosis for this peculiar situation - this situation where we identify with ‘the bias that can’t...
Continue readingFrom a psychological point of views - as odd as it might sound - ‘trying’ or ‘striving’ is the same thing as pretending. ‘Trying’ is the same thing as pretending because we're pretending that we actually stand a chance of...
Continue readingNo one likes Zero Bias. Zero Bias equals Maximum Perspective, and it also equals Being - which is to say ‘Realness’ or ‘Wholeness’. Bias, by the same token, equals Zero Perspective, Zero Being, Zero Wholeness. When we live on the...
Continue readingWhat does the everyday mind (the thinking mind, the rational mind) do all day long? What is its job? Well, what it does and what its ‘job’ is are two different things. We might say that the thinking mind’s job...
Continue readingThe big question that we never think of asking is “What happens when we live our lives in a world which completely matches our expectations of it?” This would be an important question to ask because this is exactly our...
Continue readingEverything has been sneakily inverted on us and because this inversion is too massive a thing for us to get our heads around we are well and truly trapped by it. We are trapped by our incapacity to see that...
Continue readingWhen you think you’re ‘somebody’ then that's bad news. That's a disaster! When you know you're not anybody then you're laughing, you're as free as a bird, but we don’t happen to see things like this. We see things exactly...
Continue readingThere are only ‘things’ (of whatever sort or type or variety) and the 'Non-thing', or the 'No-thing', of which there is only One. There are very many things (as many of them as we want, in fact) but only one...
Continue readingThere is nothing very mysterious or high-powered about this thing we call the self or ego-construct – we don't need to be a professor of psychology in order to understand it. Being a professor of psychology wouldn’t help at all....
Continue readingOne good way of explaining the Nullity is to say that it is the fate that befalls us when we spin-doctor reality so that it conforms to the way we want it to be. As soon as we do this...
Continue readingThe fact that we don't see that adapting 100% to the consensus reality is something that is always going to be injurious to our mental health has drastic consequences, naturally enough. The consequences are profound and penetrate every aspect of...
Continue readingThe 'will' of the Extrinsic Self relates solely to the assertion of limits and the thing about this is that these limits (any limits, for that matter) don't really exist. Asserting limits is how we create and maintain the definite...
Continue readingOur actual situation – the situation that is genuinely there when look to see ‘what is there’ – is that we are going somewhere but we don't know either who we are or where we are going (or where we...
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