We don't understand what ‘a game’ really is, even though we think we do. A game is a game we say, it's where we all pretend something is true when it isn't. What more is there to be said than...
Continue readingWe don't understand what ‘a game’ really is, even though we think we do. A game is a game we say, it's where we all pretend something is true when it isn't. What more is there to be said than...
Continue readingWhen we can see past our goals then our goals are serving us – they are helping us in a practical way in this case. When we can't see through our goals however then this changes everything; when the goal...
Continue readingThe finite will always negate itself, time and time again it will negate itself. This is because the finite is not real. The only way it can get to seem real is if we look at it in a blinkered...
Continue readingThe laziest way of life is simply to copy what everyone else is doing, so that we don’t have to work anything out ourselves! Everyone copies what everyone else is doing and - as a result - no one actually...
Continue readingWhen we tune into the ongoing question of “What happens next?” then this is life - this is all there is to life (i.e., there’s nothing else outside of this). All there is is the ‘unfolding moment’. When - on...
Continue readingThe Defined or Positive Identity is the Supreme Number 1 Attractor State in the equilibrium-seeking system which is society - it's not Rome that all roads lead to but the self. Or maybe ‘Rome’ is a symbol for the self...
Continue readingIn order to understand finite games all we need to do is imagine ‘a Mover who moves but is not in turn moved, ‘an Influencer who is never influenced’. To be the ‘Unmoved Mover’ is the goal of all finite...
Continue readingThis is the characteristic human activity - to be constantly and untiringly striving to prove our own nonsensical assertions. We can never prove them (because they are nonsensical) but that doesn't stop us trying! We can't actually stop trying, when...
Continue readingA 'game' can be neatly defined as ‘that set of prescribed actions which comes into being as a result of following a particular set of arbitrary rules’. The activity that takes place in a game is unfree therefore - it’s...
Continue readingWe tend to think that we are extracting the maximum amount of information when we measure and tabulate everything, when we define and classify everything in sight so as to make everything definite or certain, so as to end up...
Continue readingAll identities are created by thought - there has never been such a thing as 'an identity that hasn't been created by thought' and - this being the case - we might wonder why we place so much stock in...
Continue readingJust as a house has to have a foundation, if it is to be built on soft ground, so too do our mental constructs have to be formulated with reference to ‘a baseline that can never be questioned’. Saying that...
Continue readingWhat we call ‘volition’ exists only in relation to the everyday mechanical self, and even then it is only pseudo-volition. It's not the real thing – it can’t be the real thing because the real thing doesn't exist. One way of...
Continue readingOnce we understand that all our regular, everyday mental activity is about ‘striving to obtain an impossible goal’ (or ‘striving to maintain a picture of reality that isn't true’, which comes down to the same thing) then everything becomes a...
Continue readingWhen we're playing a finite game then we are being controlled by our need to control. We are absolutely controlled by our need to control - we couldn't be controlled more! Yet despite this we don't see this as being...
Continue readingThe thinking mind is a machine for turning a profit under whatever circumstances it might find itself in, and this means that it has to be operating in the context of a situation in which there exists better and worse....
Continue readingIt's interesting to see just how uninterested we are in the actual nature of things – we generally take everything for granted and busy ourselves pursuing our own uninspiring goals, pursuing our own petty concerns. What this means is that...
Continue readingWhat happens in life is that we start controlling and can't stop. To start off with, it never occurs to us that we need to be constantly controlling, and then - later on - we never think to question it!...
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