Any action that proceeds on the basis of a fixed centre (any action that happens out of a definite position) is always going to come back to where it started. What this means therefore is that if we start off...
Continue readingAny action that proceeds on the basis of a fixed centre (any action that happens out of a definite position) is always going to come back to where it started. What this means therefore is that if we start off...
Continue readingWe can live life in one of two ways – either on the basis of thought, or directly, spontaneously, without any conceptual mediation whatsoever, without any precedence (or preference) at all. In the first case we never depart from our...
Continue readingOur firm beliefs about the world are compensatory in nature - they are a compensatory device whose function is to make up for the irreducible uncertainty of reality as it actually is. We make up for not being able to...
Continue readingThe one thing technology can never help us with is in being original - technology is all about ‘efficient duplication’, it’s all about the ‘realisation’ (or ‘reification’) of generic ideas, and this is another type of thing entirely. When we become...
Continue readingWe all know what the word ‘spontaneity’ means, but at the same time we don't really know. No one really knows, not even the most learned professor in the land! It's simply not possible to know this - if we...
Continue readingWhen we are inhabiting the Nominal Realm - which is the world of formal descriptions - then the one thing that is absolutely impossible here is for us to have any connection with reality. Such a thing is totally out...
Continue readingHeteronomy is that state in which the context for everything we do (and everything we think) is provided for us by some ‘arbitrary external authority’. It doesn't matter to us what this EA is, all that matters is that we...
Continue readingThere is something downright misleading about the term ‘artificial intelligence’ – the term is misleading because whilst what we’re talking about here might be artificial, it has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence. No one is really trying to argue...
Continue readingThere are only the two things in life, we could say - there is the ‘unobserved reality’ (which is pure randomness, pure spontaneity), and there is the observed reality, the known reality, which is the reality that has been established...
Continue readingIt is in the nature of reality to ‘pretend to be what it isn't’ (or to 'hide its true nature from us’) says Heraclitus. Stuff isn't straightforward in the way we always think it is, in other words. Things -...
Continue reading‘Choices’ and ‘doing’ are the same thing - making choices is ‘a doing’ - it is, in other words, the unfolding of a plan, the acting out or copying of a mental picture. This may not sound like a particularly controversial...
Continue readingWe are all – it could be said - taking part in a Great Experiment - the crucial point about this experiment being that we don’t realize that it’s going on. This might be called ‘an experiment unconsciousness’, therefore. The...
Continue readingEverything the ego does it does unwillingly. Even when the ego (or ‘Mind-Created Sense of Self’) enthusiastically pursues its goals (and makes a big song and dance about how great this is) it is doing so unwillingly - it's ‘unwilling’...
Continue readingReality isn't Buddhist, or Christian, or Muslim, or anything like that - reality is simply reality and it has nothing to do with whatever ideas we might have about it (and we always do have lots of ideas about it)....
Continue readingThe Extrinsic Self - which is to say, ‘the self which is based entirely on rules’ - and the State of Openness are completely incompatible with each other. Or rather, the Extrinsic Self is incompatible with Openness, since Openness doesn't...
Continue readingWe insulate ourselves from the world by labelling everything, by judging everything and then not looking any further than our judgments. This is the key to everything - to say what things are and then not look beyond whatever it...
Continue readingThe Extrinsic Self is always ‘on the outside’ - it’s always ‘on the outside, looking in’. It can’t ever partake in life, even though it longs to do so; it’s always on the wrong side of an impenetrable glass wall...
Continue readingThe generic is that for which there is precedence - no more needs to be said on the subject than this! What follows on from 'that which was already there' is the generic, and the generic is all most of...
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