Whenever we buy into some version of reality that excludes all other versions then what we end up with is the Nullity, and this turns out to be very bad news for us. This turns out to be the worst...
Continue readingWhenever we buy into some version of reality that excludes all other versions then what we end up with is the Nullity, and this turns out to be very bad news for us. This turns out to be the worst...
Continue readingThe world that is made up of our literal descriptions is a null world. To have literal descriptions might seem useful to us, convenient for us, but there's absolutely nothing useful or helpful about the Nullity! The Nullity is bad...
Continue readingOne good way of explaining the Nullity is to say that it is the fate that befalls us when we spin-doctor reality so that it conforms to the way we want it to be. As soon as we do this...
Continue readingGoal-orientated activity doesn't just take place within a framework, it is the framework. Purposefulness doesn't just take place within the context of the ‘mental map’ out of which were operating from, it is that map. Purposefulness can never be separated...
Continue readingWhen we live our lives on the basis of thought then we are always going to be ‘looping back on ourselves’, which is to say, ‘thinking that we're ‘getting somewhere when we aren't’. This is inevitably going to be the...
Continue reading“What is the rule that tells us how to be?” is the same as asking what the method is for being, what the correct procedure or protocol is for being. We are asking what the correct formula is, so that...
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