The one thing we can't ever do is ‘manage our thinking’, despite what we might be told to the contrary. This just isn't going to work. The reason we can't manage our thinking in the way we think we can...
One of the most glaring misunderstandings we come across in what we might call ‘rational psychology’ is that we assume it to be the case that we can will change in ourselves. Even to call this a ‘misunderstanding’ isn't addressing...
The big question that we never think of asking is “What happens when we live our lives in a world which completely matches our expectations of it?” This would be an important question to ask because this is exactly our...
All rational-type psychological therapies, without exception, involve making something happen because we want it to happen (or as we should really say, trying to make something happen that we want to happen). That's the whole idea, obviously. If we didn't...