The ‘me’ bends everything to make it be about it - this is the distortion that is created by the self. The world isn't all about the ‘me’ however and so what happens later is that this distortion - because...
There are only two things in the world - either bias or non-bias, and of these two things only ‘non-bias’ is real. Bias isn't real because, as Heraclitus says, ‘the road up is the road down’. Every bias contains its...
There is something downright misleading about the term ‘artificial intelligence’ – the term is misleading because whilst what we’re talking about here might be artificial, it has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence. No one is really trying to argue...
The everyday self is a bias that cannot see itself as such, a bias that ‘takes itself for granted’, so to speak, and the prognosis for this peculiar situation - this situation where we identify with ‘the bias that can’t...
No one likes Zero Bias. Zero Bias equals Maximum Perspective, and it also equals Being - which is to say ‘Realness’ or ‘Wholeness’. Bias, by the same token, equals Zero Perspective, Zero Being, Zero Wholeness. When we live on the...
We can never obsess about the real, only the unreal. We obsess about the unreal all the time, in fact - that's how we try to make it real! ‘Obsessing about the unreal’ is just about all we ever do....
If we are to see anything truly then we have to drop all our biases, all our prejudices. If we don't then we will never see anything that is true; we will only ever see our own biases reflected back...