The generic is that for which there is precedence - no more needs to be said on the subject than this! What follows on from 'that which was already there' is the generic, and the generic is all most of...
'Awareness of the particular precludes awareness of the universal', says J.G. Bennett, although not in exactly these words. The former excludes the latter, and this is the principle which is responsible for the ‘Differentiated World' - the world that is...
The reality our thought shows us is a very two-dimensional one, it is 'tinny' like cheap cutlery and completely lacking in depth, and yet - astonishingly, amazingly - it passes itself off as being perfectly above-board, perfectly legitimate. The reality...
When we try to fix ourselves, mental health-wise, this is The Way of Error. The reason trying to fix our own mental health is 'the way of error' is because it is guaranteed to make things worse for ourselves not...