‘Very few of us know the taste of authentic things’, says Ouspensky. We're given substitutes and so - therefore - we never suspect that we have been short-changed. This isn't to say that we're doing well on these substitutes of...
From a psychological point of view, the Number One Danger in life is the danger of falling into a consistent pattern of thinking, a consistent way of perceiving the world. When we do so we very quickly become the victims...
The myth of the institution is that it exists to serve the needs of the individual person - the unpleasant truth behind the myth is that it exists to serve the needs of the 'institutionalized person', which is to say,...
Our understanding of what constitutes ‘mental well-being’ is skewed because of the way in which we automatically assume that most of us are – in an essential way - ‘orientated towards the truth’. This might sounds like a reasonable enough...
We create ugly things and then – as a second step, so to speak – we very carefully refrain from paying any attention to what we have created. We ‘withdraw from seeing them’ into some kind of fantasy. The result...