In our everyday lives we are in flight from space - space being something that we really don't want to know anything about. The thing about fleeing from space however is that we are at the same time fleeing from...
The information collapse that gives rise to the physical universe may be spoken of as a break in the underlying symmetry of the situation and it may also be seen in terms of an inversion. A symmetry break is where...
Equanimity is the supreme Buddhist virtue, and exercising this virtue leads inescapably to the death of who we think we are! Equanimity might sound like a harmless enough thing to us but it isn't - as we've just said, it's...
Suppose that there was just space and nothing else: in this scenario there is nothing but space and space is perfectly open, perfectly unobstructed, perfectly luminous. This is ‘the open situation' – the situation of not being limited in any...