Whenever we buy into some version of reality that excludes all other versions then what we end up with is the Nullity, and this turns out to be very bad news for us. This turns out to be the worst...
What does it mean to live in a ‘Predefined World’? What would be the implications of such a thing? Would a predefined life (which is to say, a life where everything has been scripted in advance) be any fun? There...
Anything we do that is purposeful is part of this simulation. Our purposeful activity both perpetuates the simulation and is the simulation and this is a very peculiar thing to consider. For a start, we probably won't acknowledge that there...
Whenever we encounter anything, aspects of ourselves included, we always judge. Judging is what we do - we slap a label on things and then file them away somewhere in the dusty filing cabinet of the thinking mind. We judge...