Where we can see the construct to be ‘only a construct’ then this automatically makes it real to us. When we can't see the construct to be ‘the construct’ (or ‘the thought’ to be ‘the thought’) then this is what...
When there is the polarity of ‘self’ versus ‘other’ (or ‘object’ versus ‘subject’) then there can be no information, W. There can be no information here because other depends on self, just as object depends on subject. No discontinuity exists...
We see the world in an inverted way. This is very easy to say, very easy to put down in the form of a single, short sentence, but to actually understand what is meant by this represents a change a...
The 'will' of the Extrinsic Self relates solely to the assertion of limits and the thing about this is that these limits (any limits, for that matter) don't really exist. Asserting limits is how we create and maintain the definite...