The way we know confirmation isn't the same as information (but only the superficial appearance of it) is by observing that no change ever occurs as a result of it. Information, on the other hand, means change - that's what...
Reality isn't a Rubik’s Cube - it can never be solved or ‘made right’! We can project what we imagine to be ‘right’ upon it, and then try to achieve it, but to do this (or to attempt to do...
Our hidden dysfunctionality, if we are willing to admit that there is such a thing, is that we are always trying to fit everything into a model of the world, a theory of the world, that just doesn't have any...
We are always under pressure to push ahead to a conclusion, and yet all conclusions are hollow! Every single conclusion there ever was or ever could be is hollow and so - we might ask - what is the big...
Whatever we force is unreal; our forcing is the creation of the unreal and forcing is all we know. As we engage in forcing we automatically narrow down our awareness so that the situation that we are trying to bring...
The world we routinely live in (and fondly imagine ourselves to understand) is made up entirely from some sort of inert padding. The word ‘padding’ implies, of course, that there is nothing in it. Or perhaps we should say that...
When we try to get through a period of unstructured time via strategies then the unforeseen consequences of this is that we create ‘the operator of the strategy’, which is to say, ‘the controller’. Controlling always creates the controller -...